Online programs

and courses

We look forward to digging deeper with you

Your Daily Ritual

- to more self-love and a higher frequency

Change your life with a small daily effort

What we have learned in LIFE, is whatever we want to achieve it always requires MORE LOVE and with emphasis on self-love. LOVE is the single most MAGICAL best kept SECRET ingredient to achieving EVERY SINGLE THING THAT WILL MAKE ALL THE DIFFERENCE IN YOUR LIFE.

Tuning into your heart and raising your vibration through love will allow you to feel not only in control of your DESTINY but to inspire you over and over to keep going on the MISSION you are on within your own personal journey!

You sign in to the program and go through the content when it suits you.

Live Healing Circles

We will dig deeper into the program at our Healing Circles (online gatherings on Zoom) on the following dates: 

  • April 16th.
  • May the 1st.
  • June the 13th.
  • July the 11th.
  • August the 21st. (new date)
  • October the 22nd.
  • November the 11th 

These Healing Circles are only for the participants.

Sign up now and get access immediately.  

Your price 250 US$

This course is free to join for those of you who join us in Skagen for our 2024 retreat.